Subodh R. Harde

Dear All,

At the outset, I would not forgive myself if I didn’t try to write to thank you. But I don’t’ think any words could possibly be adequate to express my feelings or gratitude to you. How do you thank a person for saving your health and extending your life? It’s impossible.

I Was admitted on 17th Sep for the treatment Autologus stem cell Transplant for my disease Multiple Myeloma, during my 18 days stay I did not encounter one negative person and everyone I came in contact with was professional, courteous and concerned with my well being: from the staff like Nursing Staff, housekeeping and food service to interns and doctors. I have had a few hospital stays and my experience at your hospital was by far the best care I have ever received. Since everyone we came in contact with was exceptional and especially the nursing staff.

I would like to let you know how much I appreciate the special care I was given by the Doctors and staff of your hospital. In particular, I would like to thank my Doctor Dr. Chirag Shah has always been a wonderful doctor – informative, patient, warm, and endless source of optimism and for the treatment was “right on.”

I would also Thankful to other Doctors like Dr. Maharshi Desai, Dr. Ravish Shah, Dr. Arun and visiting Doctors were all attentive to my needs, professional, and made my recovery so much easier to achieve.

Lastly what should I say about nursing staff, “ HOME FEELING” Sister Upasana and her colleagues Biju, Joseph, Dhanya, Anu, Priyanka, Komal, Ankita and Heena led an excellent team and provided me with high quality care both night and day. The teasing, jokes, and hearty laughs were my best medicine. All sisters & Brothers treat me like my daughters & sons.

You and your organization should be proud to have staff such as these people, and knowing that I live in your community, knowing the high-quality people here, makes my life so much better.

Thanx once again and please extend my deepest appreciation to all of your staff for the wonderful care I received.

God Bless All of You……..

Mr. Subodh R. Harde

Date: 04.10.2013, Friday


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