Dr Chirag Shah

Dr.Chirag Shah

Dr.Chirag Shah

Dr. Chirag A. Shah is a renowned specialist in Cancer and diseases of Blood, and Director of SHYAM Hem-Onc Clinic. He is also Director for Department of Cancer, Blood diseases, and Stem Cell Transplant/Bone Marrow Transplant at Apollo Hospital, Ahmedabad.
His core principle is “Patient First”.  He believes that pillars of work are “Quality”, “Ethics”, “Care”.  He delivers “result oriented care” through TEAM building.

He has established one of the best teams at SHYAM Clinic, and at Apollo Hospital, Ahmedabad.  Later is the first private comprehensive cancer center in this largest city of Gujarat state, and Dr Chirag has been instrumental in creation, quality commitment and growth of this center.

Dr Chirag is trained in USA for seven years continuous, and is American Board Certified in both Adult Hematology and Medical Oncology in 2002.  As a commitment to updated and sound knowledge, he recertified in both Hematology and Oncology again in 2012, and was among the top 20 percentile worldwide who passed these examinations.  Appearing for such an extensive examination after being in practice for 10 years, with commitments of practice and family, itself is a feat.  He is the only expert in Gujarat state to hold this distinction, and one of the very few in India.

Dr Chirag is trained at Montefiore Hospital of Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York to take care of nearly all types of cancers, and all types of blood diseases, offering wide range of treatments from Stem Cell Transplant (for various types of blood cancers, thalassemia, aplastic anemia and other blood disorders) and other most advance treatments to Palliative care for patients with advance stage of cancer. He has extensive clinical experience, in practice since 2002, for 20 years.  He has cared for over 18000 patients at SHYAM clinic, Apollo Hospital, CBCC.

There are very few Hematologists in India:

Dr Chirag is a US trained Hematologist, well known for expertise in this field with difficult diagnoses presenting with abnormal blood counts, serious bleeding and clotting disorders, ICU hematology, thalassemia, haemophilia, and of course blood cancers of all types.  Blood cancer unit (Hemato-oncology) at Apollo Hospital under leadership of Dr Chirag is one of the largest such unit in the region, and one of the best in country in terms of results. For example, successful discharge rate for patients with AML (acute myeloid leukemia) induction in this unit is 96% in last five years. At most hospitals in country this rate is about 80%.

He holds the distinction of being the first specialist in private sector of Gujarat to successfully complete Allogeneic transplant.  This was a patient with a highly resistant blood cancer treated in year 2009, and is still disease free. He also holds the credit for maximum number of transplants in private sector.  And not just numbers, but his results have been comparable to best international centers.  Successful discharge rate for Autologus transplants is 100%, and for Allogeneic transplants 90%.

Dr. Chirag was formally recognized for his work in Blood Cancers, by Cancer
Care India and Karunakare foundation, a national organization working for
cancer patients.  He is well known in medical circle of Gujarat state for his
regular articles for doctor community, with very simple language yet providing scientific information,  on various cancers, especially blood cancers, breastcancer, gastrointestinal cancers.  He is also known for his efforts in general cancer awareness for lay people.
He is also popular internationally, especially in several parts of Africa, and Iraq.  He has treated many patients from these regions, including all types of cancers, blood diseases, and transplant.

However, his main self realization comes from patient satisfaction and social service.  To this end, he takes extreme pain to set procedures and train staff. He has set up an NGO, Shyam Oncology Foundation, with other like minded people. This foundation conducts free cancer awareness camps including free cancer detection tests, runs a unique Palliative Care Center (KARUNALAY) for patients with advance cancer completely free of cost, and helps needy patients with treatment of cancer and blood diseases like thalassemia.
His main sources of inspiration and energy are Hindu philosophy, Family, and regular Yog. His wife, Sonal manages him, SHYAM clinic, and Shyam Oncology Foundation.

Few Firsts of Dr. Chirag A. Shah

  • First and only doctor in Gujarat state with American Board Certification (2002) in both Adult Hematology and Medical Oncology – seven years of continuous training in USA at premier institutes. Recertified in both Hematology and Oncology in 2012, passing in top 20 percentile worldwide.
  • First successful Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplant in private sector in Gujarat.
  • First successful Autologus Stem Cell Transplant for Acute Myeloid Leukemia in Gujarat.
  • First successful treatment of Heparin Induced Thrombocytopenia and Thrombosis, with direct thrombin inhibitor lepirudin.
  • Instrumental in setting up the First comprehensive private cancer center in Ahmedabad, at Apollo Hospital.
  • Established First certificate course for Hematology training in Gujarat.
  • First private hematology-oncology clinic with a trained counselor to help patients cope with diagnosis of cancer, and various treatment related issues.
  • First private cancer center to offer truly Multidisciplinary Opinion and Treatment to patients – Patients get input from a Team of all 3 cancer treatment specialists i.e. Medical Oncologist, Surgical Oncologist and Radiation Oncologist, providing Best Chance of Cure/Results.


Trained in USA for 7 years, at Prestigious Institutes like Albert Einstein College of Medicine/Montefiore Medical Center, New York AND
Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan.

M.D. Medical Oncology (USA)
M.D. Hematology (USA)
M.D. Internal Medicine (USA)
Diplomate American Board of Medical Oncology
Diplomate American Board of Hematology
Diplomate American Board of Internal Medicine


At present, DIRECTOR, Department of Hematology, Oncology, and Stem Cell Transplant, Apollo Hospitals International, Ahmedabad.

Chief Medical Resident at Wayne State University, Michigan for one year
Given several presentations/speeches/teaching sessions at various forums in India
Author of several articles for lay press on cancer awareness and education
Working on joint projects with US University
Member American Society of Clinical Oncology
Member American Society of Hematology
Member Indian Society of Medical and Pediatric Oncology